Fujitsu desktop scanner fi 6130 full version#
(Make sure you check with whoever you buy provide these two CDs, VRS and Acrobat Full Version and version number). It should have VRS and Acrobat Full version CD as standard as well(although maybe at a lower version number). Fi-6140 (the older model) comes with all the features of Fi-6130 but it has an additional scsci interface other than a USB and a higher scan speed than Fi-6130. Mine is Version 7.0 and it has the feature of converting scan text into text format which reduces the size of scanned pdf files greatly (albeit some text errors, example, 'm' is interpreted as 'rn' at times). Acrobat full version is very different from Acrobat Reader. For those considering to buy one, please ensure that the Kofax VRS CD AND ACROBAT (FULL VERSION) are included. I find Fujistu ScandAll Pro and ScanAll useless when VRS software is used which can be accessed by right-clicking anywhere on the Windows desktop. I suggest for first timer, just install the driver (a small file in the scandall CD) and Kofax VRS. Great if you use it for document scan and even better if you have VRS installed.

That was less than half-hour job! Of course the feeder can only take 200 pages at time.

Won't be that great if you use it for graphic scan because it doesn't have software feature that can control the lpi for magazine quality or if you are very particular of scanning your graphic at particular dpi or for scanning only a particular section of a page.Īnyhow, I scanned a dictionary of 1950 pages as trial-run and it did that in 25 minutes duplex mode. I guess it is a great product if you use it for document scan. In my country malaysia, getting a scanner like Fujistu Fi-6130 is a great challenge.